Romain Sertelon's tech blog


Gatling 1.3 is Out

If you don’t know the project, you can look at this article.

From then to now

It’s been almost one year since the first public release of Gatling was announced. What a journey! Here are some numbers about the project:

Even though I can not contribute to Gatling as much as I have done in the first months, I’m really happy to see the interest in Gatling growing like that :).

Gatling 1.3

In the last months, Stéphane Landelle, Nicolas Rémond, Grégory Coutant, Pierre Dal-Pra and Bastien Lemale have been working hard to release Gatling 1.3.

Since 1.1, here are the major changes that happened:

These are some of the many new features of Gatling. As you can see, there have been many improvements since the first version of the project last year.

Gatling’s lead (Stéphane Landelle) really drives the project toward good quality. To achieve excellent quality, user feedback is very important for us. If you use Gatling and find yourself frustrated about something, you can check the documentation of the project, or its new cheat sheet. If you can’t find an answer to your problem, please start or contribute to a topic on our mailing list :)

What’s next?

For the future, there are at least three other cool features planned:

  1. A Jenkins Plugin — It already works, but as the code is not ‘good enough’ yet, it should be released in the next weeks
  2. Request Grouping — It will allow one to create groups of requests to obtain statistics about them in the reports
  3. Clustering mode — As soon as Akka is realeased with clustering support, we’ll start to work on this

In terms of spreading the love around the project, we will be presenting Gatling at Devoxx 2012 in Antwerp, Belgium! We’re excited to present Gatling in English at this huge conference :)

Gatling has also been invited to several user groups in Europe: Luxembourg, Lausanne, Lille, Bordeaux, and others!

If you need a stress tool, give Gatling a try, it’s really worth it! And please, if you find it useful, spread the word :)

EDIT: Added Bastien Lemale to the credits